Polling Interval Seconds

This registry setting that controls the frequency of these checks (in seconds) is PollingIntervalSeconds of DWORD type, and its default value is 30 (decimal). This process may have a significant performance impact on large environments with a large type space and frequent configuration changes. In such situations, the recommended value is 120 (decimal).
This setting can bring a significant improvement in the overall performance, but setting the value too high can mean a delay in changes being loaded into the Health Service on the management servers, and this could cause delays when implementing new workflows, overrides, management packs, or discovered inventory.

This policy create REG_DWORD Decimal Value: "PollingIntervalSeconds" in registry key: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Config Service\".
SCOM 2012 existing registry value: not preset (must create value).
To delete REG_DWORD value from registry, disable this policy.

Default in code value = 30 seconds
Minimum value (in this group policy template) = 30
Maximum value (in this group policy template) = 120
Recomended value for large environments: 120 seconds

Supported on: System Center 2012 Operations Manager

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Config Service\
Value NamePollingIntervalSeconds
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Config Service\
Value NamePollingIntervalSeconds
Default Value30
Min Value30
Max Value120
