State Queue Items

This important setting for the Health Manager sets the maximum size (in bytes) of the state data queue. If the value is too small or if there are too many workflows running (based on the number of objects being managed), there could be possible state change data loss. The default value for this setting is calculated by the Health Service on startup based on how many objects it needs to manage. For agents in a small environment, this value is set to 1024 (decimal). The value is set to 10240 (decimal) on management servers in a mid-size environment. For large environments, on management servers that manage many objects, the default is 25600 (decimal). The recommendation is to double these default values, depending on where it is needed—for an agent that manages a lot of objects or a management server.

This policy create registry key: "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HealthService\Parameters\" and REG_DWORD Decimal Value: "State Queue Items".
SCOM 2012 existing registry value: not preset (must create "Data Warehouse" key and value).
To delete REG_DWORD value from registry, disable this policy.

Default in code value = 10240 (bytes).
Minimum value (in this group policy template) = 1024
Maximum value (in this group policy template) = 25600 seconds

Supported on: System Center 2012 Operations Manager

Registry PathSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HealthService\Parameters\
Value NameState Queue Items
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Registry PathSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HealthService\Parameters\
Value NameState Queue Items
Default Value10240
Min Value1024
Max Value25600
