Server Name

This policy setting is used to set the name of the MailStore Server which the MailStore Outlook Add-in connects to.

If you enable this policy setting, the MailStore Outlook Add-in always connects to the specified MailStore Server. A server name that may have been saved locally on the clients will be ignored.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, users can specify the server name themselves in the login dialog of the MailStore Outlook Add-in.

Note: To enable single sign-on (SSO), the authentication method has to be set to "Windows Authentication" through the respective group policy setting in addition to specifying the server name.

Supported on: At least MailStore Server 9

Depending on your network configuration, you can enter the DNS name, the NetBIOS name or the IP address of the MailStore Server.

If you use a port that differs from the standard port to connect to MailStore Server, you must specify the port in the form "servername:port".

Server Name:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\deepinvent\MailStore Outlook Add-in 2
Value NameServer Name
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
