Accept Thumbprint

With this policy setting a certificate thumbprint can be specified so that the MailStore Client trusts the certificate explicitly and independently of its validity.

If you enable this policy setting, the server certificate either has to be valid or its thumbprint has to be equal to the one specified here; otherwise the connection will fail with an error. Certificate thumbprints that may have been saved locally on the clients will be ignored.

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, users get a certificate warning if a non-trusted server certificate is being used. They can then choose whether they want to trust the certificate anyway.

Important: If a trusted certificate is being used on the MailStore Server, this setting is ignored.

Supported on: MailStore Server 9, MailStore Server 10, MailStore Server 11 and MailStore Server 12 only

Certificate Thumbprint:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\MailStore Client
Value NameAccept Thumbprint
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
