Tillat at WebDriver overstyrer inkompatible regler (deprecated)

DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. It is currently supported but will become obsolete in a future release.

This policy doesn't work because WebDriver is now compatible with all existing policies.

This policy allows users of the WebDriver feature to override
policies which can interfere with its operation.

Currently this policy disables 'SitePerProcess' (Enable site isolation for every site) and 'IsolateOrigins' (Enable site isolation for specific origins) policies.

If the policy is enabled, WebDriver will be able to override incomaptible
If the policy is disabled or not configured, WebDriver will not be allowed
to override incompatible policies.

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameWebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative maler (datamaskiner)

Administrative maler (brukere)