Application Guard Container Proxy

Configures the proxy settings for Microsoft Edge Application Guard.
If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard ignores other sources of proxy configurations.

If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard uses the proxy configuration of the host.

This policy does not affect the proxy configuration of Microsoft Edge outside of Application Guard (on the host).

The ProxyMode field lets you specify the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge Application Guard.

The ProxyPacUrl field is a URL to a proxy .pac file.

The ProxyServer field is a URL for the proxy server.

If you choose the 'direct' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored.

If you choose the 'auto_detect' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored.

If you choose the 'fixed_servers' value as 'ProxyMode', the 'ProxyServer' field is used.

If you choose the 'pac_script' value as 'ProxyMode', the 'ProxyPacUrl' field is used.

For more information about identifying Application Guard traffic via dual proxy, visit


"ProxyMode": "direct",
"ProxyPacUrl": "",
"ProxyServer": ""

Compact example value:

{"ProxyMode": "direct", "ProxyPacUrl": "", "ProxyServer": ""}

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 84, Windows 7 or later

Application Guard Container Proxy

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameApplicationGuardContainerProxy
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


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