Angir katalogen for roamingprofiler

Configures the directory to use to store the roaming copy of profiles.

If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory to store a roaming copy of the profiles, as long as you've also enabled the 'RoamingProfileSupportEnabled' (Enable using roaming copies for Microsoft Edge profile data) policy. If you disable the 'RoamingProfileSupportEnabled' policy or don't configure it, the value stored in this policy isn't used.

See for a list of variables you can use.

If you don't configure this policy, the default roaming profile path is used.

Eksempelverdi: ${roaming_app_data}\edge-profile

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 85, Windows 7 or later

Angir katalogen for roamingprofiler

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NameRoamingProfileLocation
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative maler (datamaskiner)

Administrative maler (brukere)