Standard sidestørrelse for utskrift

Overrides default printing page size.

name should contain one of the listed formats or 'custom' if required paper size is not in the list. If 'custom' value is provided custom_size property should be specified. It describes the desired height and width in micrometers. Otherwise custom_size property shouldn't be specified. Policy that violates these rules is ignored.

If the page size is unavailable on the printer chosen by the user this policy is ignored.


"custom_size": {
"width": 210000,
"height": 297000
"name": "custom"

Compact example value:

{"custom_size": {"width": 210000, "height": 297000}, "name": "custom"}

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 86, Windows 7 or later

Standard sidestørrelse for utskrift

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
Value NamePrintingPaperSizeDefault
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative maler (datamaskiner)

Administrative maler (brukere)