Allow importing of open tabs

Allows users to import open and pinned tabs from another browser into Microsoft Edge.

If you enable this policy, the **Open tabs** check box is automatically selected in the **Import browser data** dialog box.

If you disable this policy, open tabs aren't imported at first run, and users can't import them manually.

If you don't configure this policy, open tabs are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions.

You can also set this policy as a recommendation. This means that Microsoft Edge imports open tabs on first run, but users can select or clear the **Open tabs** option during manual import.

**Note**: This policy currently only supports importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS).

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 79, Windows 7 or later

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended
Value NameImportOpenTabs
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative maler (datamaskiner)

Administrative maler (brukere)