If you enable this policy, the top auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will navigate to intranet sites if the text entered in the address bar is a single word without punctuation.
Default navigation when typing a single word without punctuation will conduct a navigation to an intranet site matching the entered text.
If you enable this policy, the second auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will conduct a web search exactly as it was entered, provided that this text is a single word without punctuation. The default search provider will be used unless a policy to prevent web search is also enabled.
Two effects of enabling this policy are:
Navigation to sites in response to single word queries that would typically resolve to a history item will no longer happen. Instead, the browser will attempt navigate to internal sites that may not exist in an organization's intranet. This will result in a 404 error.
Popular, single-word search terms will require manual selection of search suggestions to properly conduct a search.
Registry Path | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge |
Value Name | GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Enabled Value | 1 |
Disabled Value | 0 |