Control the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS
Control the mode of the DNS-over-HTTPS resolver. Note that this policy will only set the default mode for each query. The mode can be overridden for special types of queries such as requests to resolve a DNS-over-HTTPS server hostname.
The "off" mode will disable DNS-over-HTTPS.
The "automatic" mode will send DNS-over-HTTPS queries first if a DNS-over-HTTPS server is available and may fallback to sending insecure queries on error.
The "secure" mode will only send DNS-over-HTTPS queries and will fail to resolve on error.
If you don't configure this policy, the browser might send DNS-over-HTTPS requests to a resolver associated with the user's configured system resolver.
Policy options mapping:
* off (off) = Disable DNS-over-HTTPS
* automatic (automatic) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS with insecure fallback
* secure (secure) = Enable DNS-over-HTTPS without insecure fallback
Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.
Eksempelverdi: off
Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 83, Windows 7 or later