Automatisk valg av klientsertifikater for disse nettstedene

Setting the policy lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites for which Microsoft Edge can automatically select a client certificate. The value is an array of stringified JSON dictionaries, each with the form { "pattern": "$URL_PATTERN", "filter" : $FILTER }, where $URL_PATTERN is a content setting pattern. $FILTER restricts the client certificates the browser automatically selects from. Independent of the filter, only certificates that match the server's certificate request are selected.

Examples for the usage of the $FILTER section:

* When $FILTER is set to { "ISSUER": { "CN": "$ISSUER_CN" } }, only client certificates issued by a certificate with the CommonName $ISSUER_CN are selected.

* When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with the "O" value, a certificate needs at least one organization matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER contains a "SUBJECT" section with a "OU" value, a certificate needs at least one organizational unit matching the specified value to be selected.

* When $FILTER is set to {}, the selection of client certificates is not additionally restricted. Note that filters provided by the web server still apply.

If you leave the policy unset, there's no autoselection for any site.


{"pattern":"","filter":{"ISSUER":{"CN":"certificate issuer name", "L": "certificate issuer location", "O": "certificate issuer org", "OU": "certificate issuer org unit"}, "SUBJECT":{"CN":"certificate subject name", "L": "certificate subject location", "O": "certificate subject org", "OU": "certificate subject org unit"}}}

Støttes av: Microsoft Edge version 77, Windows 7 or later

Automatisk valg av klientsertifikater for disse nettstedene

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AutoSelectCertificateForUrls
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


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