TLS and Compliance Mode Configuration

This option enables Citrix Receiver to identify secure connections and encrypt communication within the server.

Note: Citrix recommends TLS type of secure connection.

Following are the type of TLS secure connection between Citrix Receiver and XA/XD that Citrix supports:
1. TLS 1.0
2. TLS 1.1
3. TLS 1.2
Select Required TLS for all connection to ensure that Citrix Receiver uses TLS for all type of connections.
The Security Compliance Mode values are:
- None - No compliance mode is enforced
- SP800-52 - NIST SP800-52r1 compliance is enforced
When you select SP800-52 from the Security Compliance Mode drop down menu , the following Certificate Revocation Check Policy (CRCP) is allowed:
-Full Access Check And CRL Required. This is the default option.
-Full Access Check And CRL Required All

You can restrict Citrix Receiver to connect only to specified servers by a comma separated list in the "Allowed TLS servers" option Wildcards and port numbers can be specified here, for example, * allows connection to any server whose common name ends with on port 4433. The accuracy of the information in a security certificate is asserted by the certificate's issuer. If Citrix Receiver does not recognize and trust a certificate's issuer, the connection is rejected.
The TLS version can be restricted to any combination of:

- TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2
- TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2
- TLS 1.2 only

The TLS cipher suite can be configured to one of the following:

- Any : When "Any" is set the policy is un configured and the following cipher suites are allowed:


- Commercial: When "Commercial" is set only the following cipher suites are allowed:

- Government: When "Government" is set only the following cipher suites are allowed:

The Certificate Revocation Check Policy is used to improve the cryptographic authentication of the Citrix server and improves the overall security of the TLS connections between a client and a server.

When you enable this setting, the client checks whether or not the server's certificate is revoked. There are several levels of certificate revocation list checking. For example, the client can be configured to check only its local certificate list, or to check the local and network certificate lists. In addition, certificate checking can be configured to allow users to log on only if all Certificate Revocation lists are verified.

Certificate Revocation Check Policy is an advanced feature supported by some certificate issuers. It allows an administrator to revoke security certificates (invalidated before their expiry date) in the case of compromise of the certificate private key.

Applicable values for this setting include:

- NoCheck - No Certificate Revocation List check is performed.
- Check With No Network Access - Certificate revocation list check is performed. Only local certificate revocation list stores are used. All distribution points are ignored. Finding a Certificate Revocation List is not critical for verification of the server certificate presented by the target SSL Relay/Secure Gateway server.
- Full Access Check - Certificate Revocation List check is performed. Local Certificate Revocation List stores and all distribution points are used. If revocation information for a certificate is found, the connection will be rejected. Finding a Certificate Revocation List is not critical for verification of the server certificate presented by the target server.
- Full Access Check And CRL Required - Certificate Revocation List check is performed, excluding the root CA. Local Certificate Revocation List stores and all distribution points are used. If revocation information for a certificate is found, the connection will be rejected. Finding all required Certificate Revocation Lists is critical for verification.
- Full Access Check And CRL Required All - Certificate Revocation List check is performed, including the root CA. Local Certificate Revocation List stores and all distribution points are used. If revocation information for a certificate is found, the connection will be rejected. Finding all required Certificate Revocation Lists is critical for verification.

Organizations that configure TLS for a range of products can choose to identify servers intended for Citrix Receiver by specifying a Certificate Policy OID as part of the security certificate. If a Policy OID is configured here, Citrix Receiver accepts only certificates that declare a compatible Policy.

When connecting by TLS, the server may be configured to require Citrix Receiver to provide a security certificate identifying itself. Use the "Client Authentication" setting to configure whether or not identification is provided automatically or if the user is notified. Options include:

- Disabled - Client Authentication is disabled
- Display certificate selector - Always prompt the user to select a certificate
- Select automatically if possible - Prompt the user only if there a choice of certificate to supply
never supply identification
- Use specified certificate - Use the Client Certificate specified in the setting below

Use the "Client Certificate" setting to specify the identifying certificate's thumbprint to avoid prompting the user unnecessarily.

Supported on: All Receiver supported platforms

Require TLS for all connections
Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
Value NameSSLEnable
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Valuetrue
True Valuetrue
False Value*
Security Compliance Mode

  1. NONE
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLSecurityComplianceMode
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. SP800-52
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLSecurityComplianceMode
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  3. FIPS
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLSecurityComplianceMode
    Value TypeREG_SZ

TLS version

  1. TLS1.2
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSecureChannelProtocol
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. TLS1.1 | TLS1.2
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSecureChannelProtocol
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  3. TLS1.0 | TLS1.1 | TLS1.2
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSecureChannelProtocol
    Value TypeREG_SZ

TLS cipher suite

  1. Any
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCiphers
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. Government
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCiphers
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  3. Commercial
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCiphers
    Value TypeREG_SZ

Certificate Revocation Check Policy

  1. NoCheck
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. Check with no network access
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  3. Full Access Check
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  4. Full access check and CRL required
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  5. Full access check and CRL required All
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLCertificateRevocationCheckPolicy
    Value TypeREG_SZ

Client Authentication

  1. Not Configured
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLClientAuthentication
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. Display certificate selector
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLClientAuthentication
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  3. Disabled
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLClientAuthentication
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  4. Use specified certificate
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLClientAuthentication
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  5. Select automatically if possible
    Registry HiveHKEY_CURRENT_USER
    Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\SSL
    Value NameSSLClientAuthentication
    Value TypeREG_SZ


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)