Executable to application name mappings

This policy setting configures a list of mappings from executable to application names. This may be useful if uberAgent's automatic application name detection does not return the desired result.

List format:
processA.exe = Application A
processB.exe = Application B
processC.exe = Application C

If you enable this policy setting, uberAgent uses the specified executable to application name mappings. These override the default mechanism.

If you disable this policy setting, uberAgent uses only the default mechanism for executable to application name mappings.

If you do not configure this policy setting, uberAgent uses only the default mechanism for executable to application name mappings.

Supported on: uberAgent 3.1

Executable to application name mappings:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\vast limits\uberAgent\Advanced\ProcessToApplicationMapping
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)