Enable HTTP Server

This policy setting changes the iTALC service to run a HTTP server which provides a JavaViewer applet

If you enable this policy the iTALC service will run with a HTTP server.

If you disable this policy the iTALC service will not run with a HTTP server

The default setting is to be disabled

When enabling this policy you should also set a HTTP server port on which the HTTP server will listen on.

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2003 operating systems or Windows XP Professional

Registry PathSOFTWARE\iTALC Solutions\iTALC\Network
Value NameHttpServerEnabled
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

HTTP Server Port

Registry PathSOFTWARE\iTALC Solutions\iTALC\Network
Value NameHttpServerPort
Default Value5800
Min Value
Max Value65535
