Action on startup
Allows you to specify the behavior on startup.
If you choose 'Open New Tab Page' the New Tab Page will always be opened when you start Vivaldi.
If you choose 'Restore the last session', the URLs that were open last time Vivaldi was closed will be reopened and the browsing session will be restored as it was left.
Choosing this option disables some settings that rely on sessions or that perform actions on exit (such as Clear browsing data on exit or session-only cookies).
If you choose 'Open a list of URLs', the list of 'URLs to open on startup' will be opened when a user starts Vivaldi.
If you enable this setting, users cannot change or override it in Vivaldi.
Disabling this setting is equivalent to leaving it not configured. The user will still be able to change it in Vivaldi.
This policy is not available on Windows instances that are not joined
to an Active Directory domain.
Supported on: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later