Enable access to a PCoIP session from a vSphere console

Determines whether to allow a vSphere Client console to display an active PCoIP session and send input to the desktop.

By default, when a client is attached through PCoIP, the vSphere Client console screen is blank and the console cannot send input. The default setting ensures that a malicious user cannot view the user's desktop or provide input to the host locally when a PCoIP remote session is active.

This setting applies to the agent only.

When this setting is disabled or not configured, console access is not allowed. When this setting is enabled, the console displays the PCoIP session and console input is allowed.

When this setting is enabled, the console can display a PCoIP session that is running on a Windows 7 system only when the Windows 7 virtual machine is hardware v8 or later. Hardware v8 is available only on ESX 5.0 and later. By contrast, console input to a Windows 7 system is allowed when the virtual machine is any hardware version.

On a Windows XP or Windows Vista system, the console can display a PCoIP session when the virtual machine is any hardware version.

Supported on: Teradici PCoIP Session

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Teradici\PCoIP\pcoip_admin
Value Namepcoip.enable_console_access
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)