Specifies the USB devices that are authorized and not authorized for PCoIP sessions that use a zero client that runs Teradici firmware. USB devices that are used in PCoIP sessions must appear in the USB authorization table. USB devices that appear in the USB unauthorization table cannot be used in PCoIP sessions.
You can define a maximum of 10 USB authorization rules and a maximum of 10 USB unauthorization rules. Separate multiple rules with the vertical bar (|) character.
Each rule can be a combination of a Vendor ID (VID) and a Product ID (PID), or a rule can describe a class of USB devices. A class rule can allow or disallow an entire device class, a single subclass, or a protocol within a subclass.
The format of a combination VID/PID rule is 1xxxxyyyy, where xxxx is the VID in hexadecimal format and yyyy is the PID in hexadecimal format. For example, the rule to authorize or block a device with VID 0x1a2b and PID 0x3c4d is 11a2b3c4d.
For class rules, use one of the following formats:
Allow all USB Format: 23XXXXXX
devices Example: 23XXXXXX
Allow USB Format: 22classXXXX
devices with a Example: 22aaXXXX
specific class ID
Allow a specific Format: 21class-subclassXX
subclass Example: 21aabbXX
Allow a specific Format: 20class-subclass-protocol
protocol Example: 20aabbcc
For example, the USB authorization string to allow USB HID (mouse and keyboard) devices (class ID 0x03) and webcams (class ID 0x0e) is 2203XXXX|220eXXXX. The USB unauthorization string to disallow USB Mass Storage devices (class ID 0x08) is 2208XXXX.
An empty USB authorization string means that no USB devices are authorized. An empty USB unauthorization string means that no USB devices are banned.
This setting applies to the server only and only when the server is in a session with a zero client that runs Teradici firmware. Device use is negotiated between the endpoints.
By default, all devices are allowed and none are disallowed.
See the Explain tab for authorization string formats and examples.
See the Explain tab for unauthorization string formats and examples.