Client administrators

Define users and groups from AD allowed to administer client machines.
It must be of the form user@domain or %group@domain. One per line.

- Type: privilege
- Key: /client-admins

Note: -
* Enabled: This allows defining Active Directory groups and users with administrative privileges in the box entry.
* Disabled: This disallows any Active Directory group or user to become an administrator of the client even if it is defined in a parent GPO of the hierarchy tree.

An Ubuntu Pro subscription on the client is required to apply this policy.

Supported on: Ubuntu

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Ubuntu\privilege\client-admins
Value NamemetaValues
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled Value{"all":{}}
Disabled Value{"DISABLED":{},"all":{}}

Client administrators

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Ubuntu\privilege\client-admins
Value Nameall
Default Value


Administrative Templates (Computers)