Specify user settings file path

Provide the path where the user settings configuration file is stored. By default it is stored locally in the user's profile. The path can be changed to any network path that the system can access to allow users using the same settings from different client devices.

Attention: You have to make sure that a different path for each user is provided (use variables in the path). If you want to continue using existing configuration files, copy them from the old paths to the new paths. Only then you should enter the new path.

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7

Registry value name: UserDatabaseConnectionString

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\ThinPrint\TPAutoConnect
Value NameUserDatabaseConnectionString
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value%USERPROFILE%\\\AppData\\Roaming\\ThinPrint\\TPAutoConnect\\TPACUser.db


Administrative Templates (Computers)