SourceOne Web Services Host Settings

Enter the Real-time Item Retrieval and Synchronization (backfill) Server TCP settings for connection to an EMC SourceOne Document Management Service port. The setting consists of a fully qualified server name and port number. If only one port is available, enter the same port setting in both fields.


Recommendation: Configure a second port for the EMC SourceOne Document Management Service for use as the Synchronization server. Refer to the EMC SourceOne documentation on how to configure a second port.

NOTE: These entries will not be validated.

Supported on: Windows XP SP2 or later

Real-time Item Retrieval Server TCP Address:Port

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\EMC\OfflineAccess\1.0
Value NameTCPServerPortPrimary
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
Synchronization (backfill) Server TCP Address:Port

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\EMC\OfflineAccess\1.0
Value NameTCPServerPortSecondary
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value

offline access group policy.admx