Configure optional proxy settings

Specifies optional settings for the proxy server access.

Proxy Bypass: Enter the URLs that do not use the proxy server, separated by semicolons.

Automatic Discovery Flag: Enter the sum of the values representing the options for automatic discovery settings of the proxy server:

1 - The user has explicitly set the automatic detection.
2 - Always automatically detect settings (this is the default setting if the policy is enabled).
4 - Automatic detection has been run at least once on this connection.
16 - Do not allow the caching of the results of the automatic proxy configuration script.
32 - Indicates that the cached results of the automatic proxy configuration script should be used, instead of actually running the script, unless the cached file has expired.

Connection Type Flag: Enter the value representing the proxy connection type. Enter the sum of the values:

1 - The connection does not use a proxy server.
2 - The connection uses an explicitly set proxy server.
4 - The connection downloads and processes an automatic configuration script at a specified URL.
8 - The connection automatically detects settings.
If the policy is enabled, the default setting is 15.

Note: If the "Enable proxy server access" policy is disabled, then this policy has no effect.

Supported on: At least Windows 2000

Proxy Bypass (use semicolon to separate entries):

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\Password Manager\Proxy Settings
Value NameProxyBypass
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
Automatic Discovery Flag:

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\Password Manager\Proxy Settings
Value NameAutoDiscoveryFlags
Default Value2
Min Value
Max Value
Connection Type Flag:

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\Password Manager\Proxy Settings
Value NameConnFlags
Default Value15
Min Value
Max Value


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