Enable Student Toolbar

When this policy is enabled you will be able to configure the Student Tool bar feature on the Clients machine.

The Student Toolbar provides feedback to the Student on the current lesson, time remaining, current websites and applications that are available, the status of messenger and keyboard monitoring and quick access to request help. It can be set to be always visible at the top of the Student screen or to auto-hide.

All features included on the Toolbar can be customised by the Tutor.

Supported on: At least Windows 2000

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableStudentUI
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Make the Toolbar always visible
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\FixedStudentUI
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show the Image associated with this Student
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableStudentIcon
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show the logged on Username or name entered on the Student Register
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableStudentDetails
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show amount of time left in the Lesson
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableLessonTimer
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Class and Teacher Information
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableTeacherDetails
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Indicate when typing is being monitored
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableKeyboardStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show instant Messenger metering state
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableIMStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Printer status (blocked, paused etc)
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnablePrintStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Application Monitoring status and ive access to approved applications
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableApplicationStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Internet monitoring status and give access to approved websites
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableInternetStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Allow the Student to initiate a Chat
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableChatRequest
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Allow the Student to send a request for help
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableHelpRequest
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Clock
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableClock
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Objectives
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableObjectives
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show Rewards
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableRewards
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Allows Students to access their USB memory stick from the Toolbar
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableUSBState
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Allow Students to access their Journal
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableJournal
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Allows Students to access resources (applications, web sites, documents or folders) that you define
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableResources
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show when you are listening to or recording the audio at the Student
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableAudioStatus
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0
Show list of files sent to work on
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\Standard
Value NameStudentToolbar\EnableWorkList
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value1
True Value1
False Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)