Do not synchronize Windows Apps

This policy setting defines whether the User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) Agent synchronizes settings for Windows apps.
By default, the UE-V Agent synchronizes settings for Windows apps between the computer and the settings storage location.
If you enable this policy setting, the UE-V Agent will not synchronize settings for Windows apps.
If you disable this policy setting, the UE-V Agent will synchronize settings for Windows apps.
If you do not configure this policy setting, any defined values are deleted.
Note: If the user connects their Microsoft account for their computer then the UE-V Agent will not synchronize Windows apps. The Windows apps will default to whatever settings are configured in the Sync your settings configuration in Windows.

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 or Windows RT

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\UEV\Agent\Configuration
Value NameDontSyncWindows8AppSettings
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)