Configure Routings for matching number parrtern as RegExp. Syntax: "Presence key":"RegExp":"Reaction type":"Argument"
Presence key:
3500 - Available
5000 - Available but inactive
6500 - Busy
7500 - Busy but inactive
12500 - TemporaryAway
15500 - Away
18500 - Appear Offline (have to be activated in SfB Policy)
"Offline" and "DND" cannot be used, because LyncWizard do not get the calls.
Reaction type:
1 - Busy
2 - VoiceMail
3 - Forward
Reaction type "Busy": Enter the IM answer text (optional)
Reaction type "Weiterleiten": Enter the E.164 destination phone number
Registry Hive | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\\Lync Wizard\v3.0 |
Value Name | GPO_PORItems |
Value Type | REG_DWORD |
Enabled Value | 1 |
Disabled Value | 0 |
Registry Hive | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE |
Registry Path | Software\Policies\\Lync Wizard\v3.0 |
Value Name | PORItems |
Value Type | REG_MULTI_SZ |
Default Value |