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Modern popup for notification
Allows to use alternative ballons for notifications.
Supported on:
Setting will be supported since LyncWizard 2.0.0
Registry Hive
Registry Path
Software\Policies\\Lync Wizard\v2.0
Value Name
Value Type
Enabled Value
Disabled Value
Administrative Templates (Computers)
Lync Wizard
Deaktivieren der Benutzerkonfiguration
Deaktivieren der Updatepruefung
Definition der Programmsprache
Konfiguration der Einblenddauer des modernen PopUp
Konfiguration der Position des modernen PopUp
Konfiguration des Modernes Popup fuer Benachrichtigungen
Konfigurieren der Instant Messaging Antwort im Status Besetzt
Konfigurieren der Option "Anrufe bei Besetzt"
Konfigurieren der Option Besetztanruf
Konfigurieren des Verhaltens beim Status Besetzt bei einer Team-Anrufgruppe oder einem angekuendigt bzw. vermittelt Anruf
Konfigurieren des Verhaltens beim Status Besetzt durch einen Stellvertreter oder einer Reaktionsgruppe mit der aktivierten Funktion Agent Anonymity
Konfigurieren des Verhaltens beim Status Besetzt
Konfigurieren des Weiterleitungsziel
API-Key der Kontaktsuche
Bekannte Kontakte zusaetzlich online suchen
Datenquelle:RegExp der Telefonnummer
Konfiguration der Option Kontaktsuche
Telefonnummer Muster zum Suchen
Hotkey Dialog anzeigen
Konfiguration der Kurzwahltaste
Konfiguration der Option Kurztastenwahl
Konfigurieren der Normalisation
Konfigurieren der Steuertasten
Konfiguration SIP-Domaenen
Konfiguriation Lizenzschluessel
Lync Wizard v2.0
Configure Action Items
Enable feature Actions
Call Waiting
Configure behavior for 2nd call
Configure Call Waiting handling
Configure IM response if call has been rejected.
Configure the call forward destination
Configure the technical behaviour in case of "Reject (busy tone)" for a 2nd call from a delegator or RGS with option "Agent Anonymity" enabled.
Configure the technical behaviour in case of "Reject (busy tone)" for a 2nd call from your team-call group oder if the call has been transferred or forwarded to you.
Enable feature Call Waiting
Contact Lookup
API-Key for
Configure LDAP data source
Data source: RegExp phone number
Enable feature Contact Lookup
Search already known contacts
Application languagae
Debug logging
Disable update check
Display time of modern popup
Modern popup for notification
Position of modern popup
Prohibit user configuration
Hotkey Dialer
Configure phone number normalisation
Configure the modifier for the hotkey
Configure the short cut key
Enable feature Hotkey Dialer
Show Hotkey Dialer dialog before dialing
Configure SIP domains
Configure the License key
User Interface
Configuration Window: Actions
Configuration Window: Call Waiting
Configuration Window: Contact Lookup
Configuration Window: General
Configuration Window: Hotkey Dialer
Configuration Window: License
Menu: Actions on incoming call
Menu: Call History
Menu: Call Waiting
Menu: Configuration
Menu: Exit
Menu Call Waiting: Allow Call Waiting
Menu Call Waiting: Forward calls to
Menu Call Waiting: Handle as unanswered call
Menu Call Waiting: Reject Call
Menu Call Waiting: Select forward destination
Lync Wizard v3.0
Configure Action Items
Enable feature Actions
Call Waiting
Configure behavior for 2nd call
Configure Call Waiting handling
Configure IM response if call has been rejected.
Configure the call forward destination
Configure the technical behaviour in case of "Reject (busy tone)" for a 2nd call from a delegator or RGS with option "Agent Anonymity" enabled.
Configure the technical behaviour in case of "Reject (busy tone)" for a 2nd call from your team-call group oder if the call has been transferred or forwarded to you.
Enable feature Call Waiting
Contact Lookup
API-Key for
Configure LDAP data source
Data source: RegExp phone number
Enable feature Contact Lookup
Search already known contacts
Application languagae
Debug logging
Disable update check
Display time of modern popup
Modern popup for notification
Position of modern popup
Prohibit user configuration
Hotkey Dialer
Configure phone number normalisation
Configure the modifier for the hotkey
Configure the short cut key
Enable feature Hotkey Dialer
Show Hotkey Dialer dialog before dialing
Configure SIP domains
Configure the License key
Presence based Routing
Configure Routing Items
Enable feature "Presence Based Routing"
User Interface
Configuration Window: Actions
Configuration Window: Call Waiting
Configuration Window: Contact Lookup
Configuration Window: General
Configuration Window: Hotkey Dialer
Configuration Window: License
Configuration Window: Presence based Routing
Menu: Actions on incoming call
Menu: Call History
Menu: Call Waiting
Menu: Configuration
Menu: Exit
Menu Call Waiting: Allow Call Waiting
Menu Call Waiting: Forward calls to
Menu Call Waiting: Handle as unanswered call
Menu Call Waiting: Reject Call
Menu Call Waiting: Select forward destination
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