Target version prefix override

Specifies which version Google Hangouts Plugin for Microsoft Outlook® should be updated to.

When this policy is enabled, the app will be updated to the version prefixed with this policy value.

Some examples:
1) Not configured: app will be updated to the latest version available.
2) Policy value is set to "55.": the app will be updated to any minor version of 55 (e.g., 55.24.34 or 55.60.2).
3) Policy value is "55.2.": the app will be updated to any minor version of 55.2 (e.g., 55.2.34 or 55.2.2).
4) Policy value is "55.24.34": the app will be updated to this specific version only.

This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain.

Supported on: At least Google Update

Target version prefix

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\Update
Value NameTargetVersionPrefix{6CA106C0-DD7B-4583-8800-2F9FC892CAE7}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


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