Maximium search time allowed per file

This policy setting controls whether or not FileSeek will skip a file if the search is taking longer than the specified timeout. This policy setting requires a restart of FileSeek to take effect.

If you enable this policy setting, FileSeek will skip a file if the search is taking longer than the specified timeout.

If you disable this policy setting, FileSeek will use the last value it was set to (0 in a default installation).

If you do not configure this policy setting, the "Maximium search time allowed per file" option is configurable from within FileSeek (0 in a default installation).

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2003 operating systems or Windows XP Professional

Max search time allowed per file:

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Binary Fortress Software\FileSeek
Value NameFileTimeout
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
