Blocking use of Privacy Protection

The policy enables / disables blocking of the use of the Privacy Protection component by the user. This component allows the user to hide confidential information while the device is being temporarily used by other persons. Confidential information is hidden on the basis of the Contact list. For confidential numbers stored in this list, the component hides the following saved information: Privacy Protection records, incoming, outgoing, forwarded SMS messages, logged calls, incoming calls. If the policy is enabled, the user cannot edit the Privacy Protection settings through the local interface or view the Events log of the component. If the user attempts to change the settings or view the Privacy Protection component log, a message is displayed on the mobile device to inform the user that the use of the component is prohibited by the administrator. If the policy is not enabled, the user is allowed to edit the Privacy Protection settings on the mobile device and view the component log.

Supported on: Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Smartphone

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Mobile Settings\Registry\HKLM\Software\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint8\Policies
Value NameDisablePrivacyProtection
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0

Use of Privacy Protection by the user
