Remove unused temporary image files automatically

This policy setting controls whether or not DisplayFusion will clean up the Pictures\DisplayFusion\Web Images folder each time the wallpaper changes. This policy setting requires a restart of DisplayFusion to take effect.

If you enable this policy setting, DisplayFusion will clean up the Pictures\DisplayFusion\Web Images folder each time the wallpaper changes.

If you disable this policy setting, DisplayFusion will not clean up the Pictures\DisplayFusion\Web Images folder each time the wallpaper changes.

If you do not configure this policy setting, the "Remove unused temporary image files automatically" option is configurable from within DisplayFusion (enabled in a default installation).

Supported on: At least Windows Server 2003 operating systems or Windows XP Professional

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion
Value NameCleanImageFolders
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


Administrative Templates (Computers)

Administrative Templates (Users)