Restore AC Power Threshold

Typical use for these settings are:

Set "Restore AC power threshold value" and leave the "Minimum restore AC power threshold limit" and "Maximum restore AC power threshold limit" to 0 (This value will be locked and cannot be modified in the user interface).
Set the minumum and maximum threshold limits and leave the "Restore AC power threshold value" field to 0 (This sets a limit for the range, but allows the threshold value to be modified in the user interface).

Set the threshold miminum and maximum limits for peak shift:
- To set a range for the threshold limits, enter the Minimum (1 - 100) and Maximum (Minimum - 100) values.

Note: If a minimum or maximum limit is not within the client system's minimum or maximum capabilities, the client system's minimum or maximum limit will be used.

- Restore AC power threshold value:
Note: The system will use default values if invalid values are set.

Note: Selecting "Not Configured" or "Disabled" will have the same effect.

Supported on: Dell Power Manager (when the system BIOS supports Peak Shift)

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\CommandPowerManager
Value NamePSRestorePowerThresholdGroup
Value TypeREG_SZ
Enabled ValueTrue
Disabled ValueFalse
Enable policy:
Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\CommandPowerManager
Value NamePSPolicyVersion
Value TypeREG_SZ

Restore AC power threshold value (Enter 0 to not enforce value):

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\CommandPowerManager
Value NamePSRestorePowerThreshold
Default Value1
Min Value
Max Value100

Restore AC power threshold limit:

Minimum value (Enter value 1 through maximum value or 0 to not enforce value):

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\CommandPowerManager
Value NamePSRestorePowerThresholdLimitMin
Default Value1
Min Value
Max Value100
Maximum value (Enter value greater than minimum value or 0 to not enforce value):

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Policies\Dell\CommandPowerManager
Value NamePSRestorePowerThresholdLimitMax
Default Value100
Min Value
Max Value100


Administrative Templates (Computers)