SafeBrowsing enable state for trusted sources

Identify if Google Chrome can allow download without Safe Browsing checks when it's from a trusted source.

When False, downloaded files will not be sent to be analyzed by Safe Browsing when it's from a trusted source.

When not set (or set to True), downloaded files are sent to be analyzed by Safe Browsing, even when it's from a trusted source.

Note that these restrictions apply to downloads triggered from web page content, as well as the 'download link...' context menu option. These restrictions do not apply to the save / download of the currently displayed page, nor does it apply to saving as PDF from the printing options.

This policy is not available on Windows instances that are not joined
to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain.


Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\Chrome
Value NameSafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled
Enabled Value1
Disabled Value0


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