Configurar a lista de aplicações e extensões de instalação forçada

Specifies a list of apps and extensions that are installed silently,
without user interaction, and which cannot be uninstalled nor
disabled by the user. All permissions requested by the
apps/extensions are granted implicitly, without user interaction,
including any additional permissions requested by future versions of
the app/extension. Furthermore, permissions are granted for the
enterprise.deviceAttributes and enterprise.platformKeys extension
APIs. (These two APIs are not available to apps/extensions that are
not force-installed.)

This policy takes precedence over a potentially conflicting ExtensionInstallBlacklist policy. If an app or extension that previously had been force-installed is removed from this list, it is automatically uninstalled by Google Chrome.

For Windows instances that are not joined to a Microsoft® Active
Directory® domain, forced installation is limited to apps and
extensions listed in the Chrome Web Store.

Note that the source code of any extension may be altered by users via Developer Tools (potentially rendering the extension dysfunctional). If this is a concern, the DeveloperToolsDisabled policy should be set.

Each list item of the policy is a string that contains an extension ID and an "update" URL separated by a semicolon (;). The extension ID is the 32-letter string found e.g. on chrome://extensions when in developer mode. The "update" URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document as described at Note that the "update" URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension employ the update URL indicated in the extension's manifest.

For example, gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp; installs the Chrome Remote Desktop app from the standard Chrome Web Store "update" URL. For more information about hosting extensions, see:

If this policy is left not set, no apps or extensions are installed automatically and the user can uninstall any app or extension in Google Chrome.

Suportado em: SUPPORTED_WIN7

Instalar IDs de extensões/aplicações e URLs de atualização silenciosamente

Registry PathSoftware\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist
Value Name{number}
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value


Modelos administrativos (computadores)

Modelos administrativos (utilizadores)