While in full screen mode these applications may NOT disable Blinzle.

Enter a list a application executable names which may NOT suspend the blinking of Blinzle while one of the listed applications is in full screen mode.
The default value is empty. Blinzle has built in Microsoft PowerPoint (POWERPNT) as default application. Whenever PowerPoint enters presentation mode, Blinzle will suspend blinking until the presentation is over.
E.g. If you would like to have Blinzle continue blinking while the user holds a full screen presentation enter POWERPNT into this value to overrule the Blinzle default value.
To configure multiple applications enter the executeable names (without file extension) seperated by a blank. e.g.: MSTSC POWERPNT

This Policy configures the Value[AdminListofAppsWhichMayNotSuspend] located under the[SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pharmini\Blinzle] Key.
Supported by clients version 1.7.1 or higher.

Supported on: At least Windows Vista

Enter one or more executeable names (without file extension) seperated by a blank. e.g.: MSTSC POWERPNT

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pharmini\Blinzle
Value NameAdminListofAppsWhichMayNotSuspend
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default Value
