IIS virtual directory name

Enter the name of the virtual directory used by IIS for the .NET-application of the Blinzle for Business Server.
Rem.: The default value created by the Setup_Blinzle4B.msi is "MISSING". Which will trigger connection error messages on the client side if you do not change this to either the server name or an emtpy string.

It is recommended to leave this policy at its' default installation value [BlinzleServer].

This Policy configures the Value [Hostvirtdir] located under the [SOFTWARE\Pharmini\Blinzle] Key.

Supported on: At least Windows Vista

Virtual directoy name of your Blinzle Server Application

Registry PathSOFTWARE\Pharmini\Blinzle
Value NameHostvirtdir
Value TypeREG_SZ
Default ValueBlinzleServer
