Execution of command /usr/bin/chfn

The policy allows you to control behavior and access rights. the chfn command (/usr/bin/chfn), which can change the fields (full name, cabinet number, office number and home phone number for the user account) for your account, subject to the restrictions in /etc/login.defs. (The default configuration does not allow users to change their full name.). In addition, only the superuser can use the -o option to change the undefined parts of the GECOS field

Any user — Any user can use the command /usr/bin/chfn

Only root — Only superuser (root) can execute /usr/bin/chfn

Supported on: At least ALT Platform 8

Who can use:

  1. Any user
    Registry PathSoftware\BaseALT\Policies\Control
    Value Namechfn
    Value TypeREG_SZ
  2. Only root
    Registry PathSoftware\BaseALT\Policies\Control
    Value Namechfn
    Value TypeREG_SZ


Administrative Templates (Computers)